Current Programs at SAUC of AZ
Current Programs at SAUC of AZ

Improved Method of English for Somali, Swahili, Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Pashto, and Amharic Speakers
English language acquisition is critical for refugee families to start their journey towards self-sufficiency. We offer English classes Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm . Our teachers and volunteers utilize thematic instruction in whole group, small group, and one-on-one instruction when necessary. We also integrate cultural adaptation lessons into our units.

Early Literacy Classes
These classes are offered to refugees that need foundational skills in reading and writing before they attend the English classes. During these classes, students study phonemic awareness, phonics, basic vocabulary, and basic writing skills as they practice pronunciation and enunciation in their new language. Early literacy classes take place Monday-Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm

Citizenship and Naturalization Preparation Classes
Citizenship and Naturalization Preparation Classes
One of the stepping stones for refugees is to become an American citizen. In this class students participate in U.S. history, geography, government, and civics lessons and activities to prepare them to take their citizenship exam with the USCIS. Classes are Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm

Women Empowerment Program
Women Empowerment Program
Women and men participate in our sewing classes on Thursdays from 12 am to 2:00 pm. We also have Digital Literacy class on Fridays from 10am-12pm

Youth Development and Enrichment Program
Young refugees and their leaders participate in the Leaders for Life program, the FBI CAP program, tutoring, and mentoring programs.

We support refugees with their interpretation needs in Somali, Swahili, French, Lingala, Farsi, Dari, Pashto, Amharic, Oromo, and Arabic.

While parents participate in our English or citizenship classes during the day, their toddlers participate in our preschool program where they learn basic social and cultural skills that prepare them for kindergarten. They learn through play and engaging activities that develop their self-esteem and their early literacy skills.

Case Management
Case Management
We have experienced case managers that support refugees with their housing, education, citizenship, and other everyday challenges. Our case managers work tirelessly to found solutions to the refugees' needs. We provide case management in Somali, Swahili, French, Arabic, Farsi, and Amharic,

Refugees can come to our center to find support with job searching, writing their resumes, filling out job applications and to get prepared for job interviews. They also get support with their unemployment insurance applications, weekly claims and Pandemic Unemployment Insurance as well.

Community Support
Community Support
We work and collaborate with other Ethnic Community Based Organizations sharing resources and training with them and we actively participate with City Police Department, the FBI, Mountain Park Health Centers, Creighton School District, all resettlement agencies, Gathering Humanity, We are All America, PCs for Refugees, Arizona community Foundation, WildFire, City of Phoenix, ASU, AZ Women Partnership, U.S. Census, and the Arizona Refugee Resettlement Program.

Other Activities
Other Activities
Professional Sewing Micro-Enterprise Workshop
Refugee 101 Class

More Services
More Services
Cultural Adaptation Classes
FBI Citizenship Academy
You may also reach us on the following contact details below
You may also reach us on the following contact details below
2425 E Thomas Rd # 11-12
Phoenix, AZ 85016