
CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS GREATER DAY TO ASTER AGAR (Eritrea). NEEMA BAHELANYA (Congo) and NYIRAEZA ZABERA (Congo): Aster, Neema and Nyiaraeza have today achieved their dream to become Naturalized American citizen. They all have attended the Citizenship class and benefited from the immigration services offered at the SAUC Refugee Community Center for achieving their main dream to become Naturalized Citizens of this Great Nation.
It was both a fulfillment of a personal dream and an affirmation of the American Dream, and taking the oath, gives the happiness and joy of joining this great Nation, renouncing to previous one, and incorporating the substances to support and defend the constitution, and law of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and others.
SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who helped us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work, partner and collaborate together
Thank you!
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY: SAUC Refugee Community Center have today celebrated international women International Women Day (March 8th): International Women's Day, marked annually on March 8, is one of the biggest days of the year: Celebrate women's achievements and educating and raising awareness
Thank you!

WISHING YOU ALL A JOYOUS AND HAPPY RAMADAN - RAMADAN MUBARAK (March 11): Muslims across the world are preparing for a month of fasting, spirituality and reflection this Ramadan. “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint.—Surah Baqarah 2:183” Each year millions of Muslims will begin fasting from sunrise to sunset and engaging in activities that challenge their self-restraint and bring them closer to God. The exact date always depends on the sighting of the crescent moon, which Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic or Hijra calendar and it was during this month that Allah revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Ramadan is a time for Muslims to come together, focus on their spiritual and personal development and spend time giving charity and gathering with their community for prayers and events.
During Ramadan, Muslims are engaged more in reciting the Quran will also reflect on the meaning of the Quran, engage in extra prayers, and "also come together as a community by caring for the needy and sharing their wealth, resources and food, especially in feeding folks," during the month.
The idea of "the nearness of God, that Allah is always near and that listens to the supplications and prayers, during this month, meaning that all Muslims should focus on increasing their good deeds. The month of Ramadan is considered to be especially sacred with the holiest night of Ramadan, Laylat Al-Qadr or “Night of Power” falling on one of those nights. Good deeds are believed to be significantly multiplied on that night, and Muslims may spend the night in reflection, prayer and doing other good deeds.
Thank you!
CELEBRATION EVENT TO SHOWCASE ALL OF AZWP GRANT RECIPIENT: SAUC represented by VP Adan & VP Sadiki have today (Sunday, March 3rd) attended this great event, which was organized by AZWP at the Cattle Track Art Compound in Scottsdale. SAUC is Honored and very pleased to partner with the AZWP and feel truly blessed, and would like to thank AZWP’s President Paula Cullison so very much, and everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.Thank you!SAUC COMMUNICATION UNIT
MCHSD ARPA PROGRAM COORDINATION EXECUTIVE TEAM VISITING THE SAUC REFUGEE COMMUNITY CENTER – THURSDAY, FEBERUARY 22ND 2024: SAUC Leadership, Executive team and the Multiethnic Refugees were very pleased to receive the visit of Ms. Clara De La Garza and Ms. Mitra Pratt of the MCHSD ARPA Program Coordination team. During this onside Visit were able to closely observe the different activities and programs organized and conducted at the SAUC Refugee Community Center, such as Preschool, Front desk activities, Improved method of learning English language, Citizenship classes, Cultural adaptation, Women Empowerment Programs, Case management and others. Our programs assist predominantly low-income refugee families and reflect the diverse communities we serve, and we employ culturally, and linguistically appropriate methodologies in order to better serve the multi-ethnic refugees and Afghan newcomers.
SAUC continually focusses on assisting the multiethnic refugees in their pursuit to gain the necessary tools and knowledge that they need to find their own solutions to the many problems that they face. SAUC addresses all cultural and language barriers that usually prevent refugees from utilizing the resources available to them; and through education and empowerment guide the multiethnic refugee and underserved community to eradicate ignorance, helping them to achieve social and economic self-sufficiency, and properly integrate for a great patriotism.
The visit was concluded with a productive onside monthly meeting, which provides an opportunity to reflect the important work that we are doing together and highlight the achievements accomplished in assisting the multiethnic refugee and underserved community. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to express deepest gratitude and thanks to both MCHSD ARPA Program Coordination and MCHSD Leadership and everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank you!
CONGRATULATIONS ON THIS GREATER DAY TO YIMAR HASSEN (Ethiopia). NIEMAT IDRIS (Sudan), HALIMA OMAR (Somalia) AND FEYORI ABRAHAM (Eritrea): Yimar, Niemat, Halima and Feyori have today achieved their dream to become Naturalized American citizen. They all have attended the Citizenship class and benefited from the immigration services offered at the SAUC Refugee Community Center for achieving their main dream to become Naturalized Citizens of this Great Nation.
It was both a fulfillment of a personal dream and an affirmation of the American Dream, and taking the oath, gives the happiness and joy of joining this great Nation, renouncing to previous one, and incorporating the substances to support and defend the constitution, and law of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and others.
SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who helped us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work, partner and collaborate together
Thank you!

In honor of Presidents’ Day, SAUC Refugee Community Center will be closed Monday, February 19th 2024. We will resume business on Tuesday, February 20th 2024. We wish you a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Thank You!


SAUC IMMIGRATION SERVICE TEAM HAVE TODAY ORGANIZED A TOWN HALL AT THE SAUC REFUGEE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR NEWCOMER AFGHANS, WHO HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE LECTURES AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDENESS ON IMMIGRATION PROCESS FROM IMMIGRATION EXPERTS, SUCH AS USCIS OFFICER JUAN MORAN AND IMMIGRATION LAWYER BAMI ADELAYO: The Town Hall attended by about 100 Newcome Afghans was very successful and all participants have expressed great satisfaction about the experts’ insightful and informative presentation, and for all their questions that were properly and correctly answered. The participants have also expressed thanks and deepest gratitude to the SAUC Immigration team and to DES/ RRP for making possible these great and critically needed services. They have also expressed Big thanks to SAUC leadership for the educational/ empowerment programs and needed services continuously provided to them at the SAUC Refugee Community Center. We build strong relationships with the immigrant and multi-ethnic refugees that go beyond the call of duty to guide them through the different systems and cultures in our area. We are very proud of our performance, sustainability and about the achievement we made in helping and advancing empowerment excellence for a successful integration and self-sufficiency, bringing together great experience of professionalism and commitment and acting always according to the highest professional and ethical standards
One of the core goals of the SAUC is to support refugees to property achieve social and economic self-sufficiency, become productive law-abiding citizens who can properly integrate for a great patriotism. Through constant Educational and empowerment programs, and guidance SAUC main goal is to enhance and develop skills that result in better performance striving for excellence, improvement, advancing education and empowerment at the SAUC Refugee Community Center, where we offer not only access to developmental activities, but also safe, positive, healthy and caring environment. he SAUC simultaneously assists the multi-ethnic refugees and newcomer Afghans to begin the path to naturalization through legal status and citizenship education.
SAUC is an inclusive agency, and does not deny services based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, and/or citizenship status. SAUC agrees to abide by the applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations ensuring non-religious use, religious liberty, equal protection, and non-discrimination. The SAUC Refugee Community Center values a culture of transparency and accountability, and we are always open to assessment to ensure that our ethical position is sound from every angle. SAUC believes and bases all our actions on kindness, understanding and positivity and with strong confidence believes they are always the key to success. Such accessibility will certainly contribute to positive social change, receptivity and successful community engagement programs that make the multi- ethnic refugee and underserved community’s lives and hopes of healing possible
The SAUC continues its time-honored practice of supporting the multiethnic refugees and underserved communities through housing assistance, case management, support service and interpretation, naturalization and immigration service, digital literacy, preschool, women empowerment, including professional sewing and employment services. SAUC is always at the forefront in supporting, educating and empowering thousands of multiethnic refugees and the underserved community, helping them to achieve their self-reliance and self- sufficiency goal, becoming law-abiding citizens that can properly integrate for a great patriotism. Good parents are a good foundation for a positive and successful society. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank you!

CONTINUING EDUCATIONAL AND EMPOWEWERMENT PROGRAMS, INCLUDING DIFFERENT AND IMPORTANT NEEDED SERVICES FOR MULTIETHNIC REFUGEES AND NEWCOMER AFGHANS, CONDUCTED AT THE SAUC REFUGEE COMMUNITY CENTER: SAUC is an inclusive agency, and does not deny services based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, and/or citizenship status. SAUC agrees to abide by the applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations ensuring non-religious use, religious liberty, equal protection, and non-discrimination. The SAUC Refugee Community Center values a culture of transparency and accountability, and we are always open to assessment to ensure that our ethical position is sound from every angle.
The SAUC continues its deep-rooted practice of helping the multiethnic refugees and underserved communities through improved method of learning English language, housing assistance, case management, support service and interpretation, naturalization and immigration service, digital literacy, preschool, youth enrichment programs, women empowerment programs including professional sewing and employment services.
SAUC continually focusses on assisting refugee. And underserved community in their pursuit to gain the necessary tools and knowledge that they need to find their own solutions to the many problems that they face. Our programs assist predominantly low-income refugee families and reflect the diverse communities we serve. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank you!
WELCOME CORPS PROGRAM PRESENTED TODAY AT THE SAUC REFUGEE COMMUNITY CENTER- Thursday, January 18th: RRP Community Development Program team composed by Alenga Alukula and Sarah Bredar have today provided very informative, insightful and beneficial presentation on the subject matter for the Swahili speaker community’s leaders, who have shown deep interest in the program.
SAUC Leadership and the program's participants have expressed thanks and deepest gratitude to Supervisor Travis Thompson, Ellenga/ Sarfah and RRP's leadership. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who are helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank You!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL: SAUC WISHES YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES A JOYOUS HOLIDAYS AND A VERY HAPPY, BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Holiday is it a bright and joys time when we have the chance to be with the ones we love. May your holidays be filled with all the magic, happiness, and merriment of the season. 2023 has been a remarkable year and your support throughout has been inspiring and reassuring. SAUC is immensely grateful and look forward to strengthening our partnership and working relationships.
SAUC biggest strength and building block upon which we stand are our clients, partners, donors, employees, volunteers, advisors and Governing board, offering divergent insight and always being faithful to SAUC mission and vision, ensuring legal and ethical integrity by maintaining transparency and accountability.
SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank everyone who are helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together. We look forward to working with you all in the years to come.
From SAUC family to yours, we wish you and you families a very happy and safe holiday season. With my most respect and great appreciation! I remain sincerely yours,
Mohamed Ali Abukar, Ph.D.
Founder/ President & CEO

RRP Community Development Program Supervisor Travis Thompson have today provided very informative, insightful and beneficial presentation on the subject matter for the Somali speaker community’s leaders, who have shown deep interest in the program. Supervisor Travis Thompson and SAUC leadership have decided to schedule times and continue the presentation’s opportunities also for Swahili, Arabic and Farsi, Dari, Urdu and Pashtu speakers, which will be held at the SAUC Refugee Community Center.
SAUC Leadership and the participants have expresses thanks and deepest gratitude to Supervisor Travis Thompson and RRP leadership. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who are helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank You!

CHIEF COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD: Law Enforcement Agencies are the eyes and ears of our great nation and this initiative built up and increase trust and confidence between Law Enforcement and our Communities in Maricopa County. Chief McCoy have today honored Dr. Mohamed Ali Abukar, President & CEO of Somali American United Council of Arizona, recognizing his service and partnership in supporting collective commitment to Community Policing. The Chief Community Advisory Board creates partnership in understanding rule of law and the great work the Police does in keeping our community safe
Tempe Police Department believe and implement Community Policing, working toward improving public safety, reducing fear of crime and focusing on programs that brings refugee community and Tempe Police Department together to strengthen public safety for all
SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together
Thank You!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL: Happy Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving is an opportunity to get together and enjoy, show gratitude toward others. Every year, Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November. However, Thanksgiving used to be celebrated on the last Thursday of the month. In 1863, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln gave the Thanksgiving proclamation and asked for Americans to set aside the last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving.
After that, it became the norm to hold the holiday on that day. We all celebrate the love we share and gather with families and friends reflecting also all the blessings of this Great Nation and its limitless possibilities and unlimited opportunities.
We have so much to be grateful for and to celebrate, the SAUC Refugee Community Center will be closed Thursday, November 23rd and Friday November 24th. The SAUC Refugee Community Center will resume business on Monday, November 27th 2023.
Peace, blessings, and the best of joy

DETECTIVE CANCHOLA GIVING A COMMUNITY AWERENSS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PRESENTATION FOR THE MULTIETHNIC REFUGEES AT THE SAUC REFUGEE COMMUNITY CENTER: Community engagement works toward improving public safety and reducing fear of crime, and all participants were deeply grateful to Detective Canchola for transferring great knowledge and useful information for empowerment. Community engagement programs create partnerships in understanding rule pf law, the great work of the Police Departments does in keeping our community safer. Community engagement and community awareness programs improve the quality of life through a proactive reliance on community engagement and communication, and are among the programs which work toward bringing the refugee community and law enforcement agencies together to strengthen public safety for all. Law Enforcement Agencies are the eyes and ears of our great nation and this initiative will build and increase trust and confidence between Law Enforcement and the Multi-ethnic Refugee Community in Maricopa County.
SAUC believe that great achievement can be obtained in improving lives, when provided with education, empowerment, knowledge, and access to information and resources; investing in programs and initiatives that identify and address enrichment and developmental activities, connecting the multiethnic refugees with opportunities to gain personal values, academic and social skills. This includes a legal education program to ensure good relations with the law enforcement agencies and a safety group to prevent criminal activity and promote peace and respect in the community. Our program also addresses all cultural and language barriers. We built up trust in Community Relationships, increasing community critical thinking, positive interaction, conflict resolution and civic engagement while at the same time promoting better understanding as to how to promptly respond to violence and extremism threats, which includes improving public safety and more effective crime control.
SAUC acknowledges the extraordinary leadership and vision of Detective Canchola, who have played a vitally important role in empowering the multiethnic refugees served at the SAUC Refugee Community Center. SAUC feel truly humbled and blessed, and would like to thank so very much Attorney Adelayo and everyone who is helping us in accomplishing our goals through the way, giving us the opportunity to work and collaborate together.
Thank you!